Monday, January 5, 2015

Shoes For Life

They say always spend the most money on your shoes and i totally agree. Spending as much as you can on good quality shoes is an investment that will save you money in the long run given the right care and treatment.

So you’ve spent all your hard earned cash on quality leather shoes which means you’ll have to come up with a good shoe care routine. It goes without saying if your’e buying your shoes from a reputable source then you will no doubt be given some expert shoe care tips and products to purchase.

In this post i will give you a few pointers and the products i use to keep your shoes looking tiptop. As you buy your new shoes i couldn’t recommend more than also buying good quality shoe trees. Avoid plastic ones as these give no benefit to the shoe. I use Selvyt Cedar Wood Trees.
Cedar wood will not only leave a fresh scent but the unique moisture-wicking properties will absorb moisture and salt providing lasting protection.

A Shoe Horn is also a small price to pay rather than forcing the heels of the shoe when your in a rush to leave the house.

TIP: If your shoes become wet and in the UK this can happen more often than not. Stuff newspaper into the shoe as this will help absorb any damp. Never dry shoes directly in front of heat as this will cause the leather to crack.

Brushes for application of polish & wax try the Selvyt Application Brush and for that most important final shine the Selvyt Buffing Brush is perfect for finishing touches. For really working in the polish and wax or simply for buffing use a Selvyt Polishing Cloth.

Selvyt have been suppliers to the Military for over 100 years and recognised globally. The cloths leave none of those dust particles that other cloths may leave.

I always keep an extra brush to remove any dirt or grit that maybe in those hard to reach grooves. I have a few favourite polishes and waxes which i find i alternate with each clean.

I use Selvyt Cream Polish to start and i tend to always go for neutral as i have many colours of shoe. After the cream polish i use Selvyt Wax Polish (Military Grade). I love the beeswax and almond oil scent it leaves.

TIP: Just like you shoes need rest too. Avoid wearing the same pair for a prolonged period of time. This will result in longer lasting shoes and also my excuse to owning quite a few pairs!

So these are the products i use to condition and treat my shoes. You can find a whole range of Selvyt products and more on Supreme Shoe Care.

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